40 Cities That Could Be Poised For a Housing Crisis
This article originally appeared on gobankingrates.com – Jan 11, 2023 by Andrew Lisa
The real estate market has been going strong the past few years, making many home-sellers quite wealthy. But with mortgage interest rates climbing, home sales are slowing and anticipated to decrease further in 2023. That slowdown is more apparent in some cities than others, according to a new study from GOBankingRates.
Using data from sources that include the U.S. Census Bureau, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the 2020 American Community Survey and RealtyTrac, GOBankingRates identified the 40 cities most at risk for experiencing a widespread housing crisis. The study examined factors such as mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures and homeowner and rental vacancy rates.
All 40 are among the 200 largest cities in the country, but they aren’t spread out equally across the nation. They are concentrated in 18 states, with only one state in the West. Read on to learn which cities could be poised to experience a housing crisis.
To read the full article and see the list of cities, please follow this link: